Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Back

As the year 2009 has passed us by oh so quickly and 2010 has snuck up on us and is already beginning. I think that 09' was a great year looking back at all the fun times spent with Kelsey it just really made it even more successful. Reflections Time! Though Kelsey and I really only have one class together we made the best of our time in that short 45 minute class.

Memories of 2009:

Kelsey do you remember when Mr. H was teaching and I was calling you on your cell like 100 times so it would make a really loud vibrating noise against the chair?

Do you remember how you almost killed me for making this blog?

Do you remember me taking notes on you for TKOB (The Kelsey Orr Blog)?

Do you remember that time in the tent? I will leave that one their.

Do you remember me texting you know who from your phone at Nicole's party with a really funny message? His initials by the way are KJ! hahahah

Do you remember me poking you so much that that you hit me? Don't worry I forgive you lol

Do you remember the time at the Clean up day that I kept doing something annoying and you ran me out of the gym and kicked my butt so hard I couldn't sit down for a week?

Do you remember decorating trees with candy?

Do you remember all those times at lunch?

Do you remember how fun your party was?

Do you remember me getting you strawberries for your 16th Birthday?

Do you remember how bad your Locker was wrapped for your pre-birthday?

Do you remember in English class you pulling your shirt over just to show me the pretty bra you were wearing that day and me yelling KELSEY! back at you?

Do you remember when I stayed up all night and then went to school and was going all crazy and didn't take a nap in English?

Do you remember the time you stayed up all night and had to take a nap in English?

Do you remember all the Time coach told you to be quiet?

Do you remember when Mr. Fisher gave you a detention?

Do you remember when Mrs. C kicked you out of her classroom (LMAO) Oh and then when you came out you came up to me and said "AND I MADE HER CHRISTMAS COOKIES". Well something funny like that.

Well that is just a small amount of things I can remember but there was many more. With a new year ahead of us I cant wait to see what new experiences lie ahead of us. A toast to you Kelsey and many years to come!